All Fixed!

I spent a pleasant couple of days around the Cascade Mountains – beautiful country and the weather has been perfect.

Sunday evening saw me back in Seattle, at a hostel downtown. Two reasons – I still needed to see the Boeing factory, and… Monday was stent-removal day, and I’m a pussy and wanted to be close to my doctor in case there were any issues, rather than doing it out in the sticks somewhere.

A stent in this case is the tube they put between the kidney and bladder to keep the ureter open after the trauma of surgery. When things have settled down , the patient can remove it by simply pulling a piece of thread…

I was freaking a bit though – I was going to do it last night but had one beer, my first in nearly 3 weeks. Next time I peed there was blood in the urine, I hadn’t had that for a few days. Kidneys really don’t like beer eh?

Anyway I called the doc this morning, and he reassured me, so I pulled the string. If you are squeamish, look away now 😉