Gorgeous day in Yellowstone today, heading… somewhere, not sure yet. Beartooth Pass tomorrow.
Just had a few days in Buffalo WY, got to offload most of the gear – wow, it’s like riding a WR450 after being used to the fully loaded weight.
Speaking of which, it took a bit of getting used to. It was a bit intimidating at first. The first time I went on a dirt road was in Iowa, and it was pretty loosey-goosey – felt like it wouldn’t take much to get away from me. Mind you, this was on stock bridgestones at 42 psi, I’ve always had more dirty tires on it previously. Next dirt road was in the Black Hills, felt much better so I think I’m getting used to the weight/tires.
I was out this way a few years ago and visited Devils Tower. It was a bit boring, the midday sun and clear blue skies don’t make for great photos. I was going to skip it this time but after doing a loop through the Black Hills I was heading north and could see storm clouds over the tower – so thought it might be worth another try…
So here’s my Ansell Adams impression… and of course the mandatory “I woz here” pic 😉