Mazatlan has High Curbs

Kicked butt on the Batopilas road, tamed the Devil’s Backbone… crashed in front of a Mazatlan hotel! What a dick 😉
My right foot just did a ‘swoosh’ through empty air where I thought there should be pavement. I thinking “I wonder if this hotel will be OK?”, put my foot down without noticing that the gutter is really deep right there… I did a barrel-roll onto the sidewalk. At least that’s one thing I’m getting good at!

This morning I surveyed the damage from yesterday’s off, and found to my horror… I’d broken the water bottle mount!

Pulled the sidecover, no damage underneath so it’s just the crack and one plastic locating pin. No biggie, glued up the crack, mainly to stop water getting in. Now just need a hammer for the panniers!