Milerton Lake and Nervy Cops

Arrived here looking for a camp site at 5pm, almost dark already. The touch screen machine at the gate was happy to take my credit card and charge me $30 for a site. Proceeding down the road I passed 5 turnoffs to camping areas, all gated and “closed for the season”. What to do? Dark by now… I figure I’ve paid for a service, I should get it, even if it means bypassing a closed gate. So I did, set up camp and 30 minutes later a pair of gruff rangers come by. I said glad to see you, here’s the situation. I reached into my tankbag to get my receipt, the nervy ranger thought I might be going for a gun. WTF. Anyway he told me I could stay, but not at this site, I had to move to another one 2 miles away. Again, WTF? I’m paying $30 for a site with no facilities and now they expect me to pack up in the dark, move 2 miles, then set up again. Fortunately common sense prevailed, but it took a while.
Pretty spot though.