The Road to Veracruz

Once past Tuxtapec, heading to Veracruz, there was a lot of heavy traffic to contend with. Also quite a military presence. The day after I’d left Tuxtapec last time around (December 19) there had been an incident where an entire family was found murdered in their car. I guess there are some things going on around there…

Arriving in Veracruz was an eye-opener. Riding along the beachfront reminded me of South Beach, Florida – but nicer. After passing an array of high-end department stores surrounded by high-rise apartments and nice restaurants, I was doubting my chances of finding a cheap hotel. I saw some signs for hotels along the beach for 600 and 700 pesos ($50 +/-). Too rich for me. Luckily I found a nice place with parking for the bike, one block back from the beach, for 300 pesos. I celebrated by spending my “savings” at a local Mescaleria! Special deal, a shot of mescal and a beer for $4. A couple of those and I slept well that night…